Blackbird SDK =
Infinite Possibilites

Today, Blackbird offers 150+ pre-built (Public) apps, a roster that is expanding every week. However, you are never limited to our Public Apps. With Blackbird's Software Development Kit (SDK), users can create their custom (private) applications and use them in Birds to orchestrate any workflow!

Blackbird is an Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) and workflow orchestration tool, but when it comes to building custom applications, Blackbird can also be used as a code deployment platform.

Our SDK is available in C# .NET currently. In the future, we plan to offer the SDK in other frameworks too (Java, Javascript).

To use the SDK , you will need to have:
1. A suitable .NET Environment (6.0 or higher). You can download the latest .NET software here.
2. A Blackbird production or sandbox account.

See detailed documentation here >>
